Good Advice Before You Tinker: Choose Your Experts Well…

You Need A Video… and I am not an UnMar­ket­ing expert! I do have 45 years of video pro­duc­tion expe­ri­ence and over 35 years as a small busi­ness owner/manager/marketer (think con­cur­rent­ly… I’m old, but not that old.) My first expe­ri­ence as a non­prof­it vol­un­teer was in 1990. Over the last 22 years, I’ve pro­duced at least 100 videos for non­prof­its from Flori­da to North Car­oli­na to Cal­i­for­nia. As a vol­un­teer, I’ve been a non­prof­it Board Chair­man, graph­ic artist, and web design­er. How­ev­er, I did­n’t devel­op an inter­est in non­prof­it mar­ket­ing until 2010. That’s when I got seri­ous about help­ing Asheville Preg­nan­cy Sup­port Ser­vices and that expe­ri­ence is what led me to UnMarketing.

Asheville Preg­nan­cy Sup­port Ser­vices, APSS for short, is a non­prof­it that pro­vides com­pas­sion­ate care to women and men deal­ing with all the issues sur­round­ing an unplanned preg­nan­cy. As its CEO, Deb­o­rah Wood, recalls, “I got this call from Steve telling me I need­ed a video. I remem­ber think­ing, ‘I do?’  The first video he pro­duced for us told the sto­ry of a fam­i­ly from West­ern North Car­oli­na whose daugh­ter came to the Cen­ter for help. We played that at our fund-rais­ing Gala and I don’t believe there was a dry eye in the house.”

Reasons for Video

There are a num­ber of rea­sons I sug­gest­ed a video for the APSS Gala:

1. There is less pres­sure on the sto­ry­tellers. “If you make a mis­take, we’ll just start over.”
2. The flow and pace of the sto­ry are deter­mined in edit­ing. At a live event, you must get it right the first time.
3. Music and graph­ics can be added to enhance the experience.
4. The fin­ished prod­uct (with the per­mis­sion of the sto­ry­teller) can be used on the non­prof­it’s website.

Over the next sev­er­al years, I cre­at­ed a num­ber of videos for the annu­al Galas. Then, as I learned more about the orga­ni­za­tion, I con­clud­ed that their web pres­ence need­ed improve­ment. As with many oth­er Chris­t­ian non­prof­it ser­vice orga­ni­za­tions, APSS’s clients and donors had dif­fer­ent per­spec­tives. We set out to devel­op a site exclu­sive­ly for sup­port­ers and then rework the client site with an empha­sis on the clien­t’s point of view.

Because of Deb­o­rah Wood’s pas­sion for using vol­un­teers wher­ev­er pos­si­ble, I decid­ed to learn Word­Press and devel­op the new donor site myself. The Word­Press plat­form is flex­i­ble, pow­er­ful, easy to sup­port, and free. With the help of a tal­ent­ed vol­un­teer graph­ic design­er, the site was com­plet­ed as a total­ly vol­un­teer effort.

Cur­rent­ly I’m using Google Ana­lyt­ics to eval­u­ate how APSS donors are using the site so that we can improve its reach into the com­mu­ni­ty. This is the point where I began learn­ing about Inter­net mar­ket­ing (or more specif­i­cal­ly UnMarketing.)

Developing a New Base of Committed Advocates Using the Internet

As I became more involved with web­site con­tent cre­ation and using Google Ana­lyt­ics to eval­u­ate the effec­tive­ness of the con­tent, I began read­ing books about Inter­net mar­ket­ing. I stud­ied Twit­ter Pow­er 2.0, Inbound Mar­ket­ing, The Next Evo­lu­tion of Mar­ket­ing, and UnMar­ket­ing, to name a few. In addi­tion, I’ve dis­cov­ered a num­ber of web­sites and blogs that are devot­ed to both for prof­it and not for prof­it social media mar­ket­ing. Then I kept hear­ing from peo­ple I met at the fund-rais­ers, “I nev­er knew some­thing like this orga­ni­za­tion exist­ed.” Usu­al­ly these peo­ple said this while they mak­ing their first donation.

Could there be a large untapped group of future advo­cates just wait­ing to dis­cov­er your orga­ni­za­tion? Peo­ple who today don’t even know you exist? What if you devel­oped Inter­net con­tent that would both inter­est these future advo­cates and intro­duced them to your orga­ni­za­tion? If you did, you could use UnMar­ket­ing to devel­op an entire­ly new donor base… a base of peo­ple who today don’t even know you exist.

I think this is excit­ing. What do you think?


 Next Up: “UnMarketing 101 — Release the Power of the Internet in One Hour a Day”