Category: UnMarketing

Non or Minimally Invasive Donor/Advocate Contact. Usually Involving the Internet.

UnMar­ket­ing 101 (part 2) — The Tool­box and ‘An Hour a Day, Really?’

Scarry Computer

(I’ve asked sev­er­al non­prof­it CEOs for their com­ments on what I’ve writ­ten so far and I’m meet­ing some resis­tance. “This would require a major change in how we deal with our sup­port­ers,”  was a com­mon con­cern. I also heard, “This is a shoe­string oper­a­tion. Sure­ly you don’t think we have an extra hour in our … 

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UnMarketing 101 — Release the Power of the Internet in One Hour a Day

Release the Power of the Internet

Twit­ter just cel­e­brat­ed its sixth birth­day and now claims 140 mil­lion active users. Face­book has 845 mil­lion users. That’s lot of peo­ple shar­ing every­day hap­pen­ings with their friends. Con­trast a Face­book or Twit­ter user read­ing a friend’s post­ings with how you feel when called by a tele­mar­keter. One event is a wel­comed social exchange and … 

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Good Advice Before You Tinker: Choose Your Experts Well…

You Need A Video

… and I am not an UnMar­ket­ing expert! I do have 45 years of video pro­duc­tion expe­ri­ence and over 35 years as a small busi­ness owner/manager/marketer (think con­cur­rent­ly… I’m old, but not that old.) My first expe­ri­ence as a non­prof­it vol­un­teer was in 1990. Over the last 22 years, I’ve pro­duced at least 100 videos … 

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Can UnMarketing Help My Christian Service Nonprofit?

So, Lord... How do you feel about UnMarketing?

UnMar­ket­ing? We don’t even have time for mar­ket­ing!” True, these are tough times. For many Chris­t­ian ser­vice non­prof­its the clients and oppor­tu­ni­ties keep com­ing even when the sup­port does­n’t. Might mar­ket­ing be a solu­tion? And just what is UnMar­ket­ing? Actu­al­ly, some non­prof­its think mar­ket­ing is a neg­a­tive con­cept. “That’s for peo­ple with prod­ucts… peo­ple who … 

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